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Bonjour and welcome to the MLM Trigger, I am your host Corine Arnaud and this PODCAST is to help you LEVERAGE Your Network Marketing Skills using the internet to grow your MLM downline.

We are going to dive into [Living On The Edge Of The Real You] and why prospects will need your offering.

Knowing yourself thoroughly as you are the PRODUCT and never get away from yourself. Self esteem needs the esteem of your prospect to support it.
The most convincing reasoning in the world, will do nothing unless someone listens or reads your headlines. An honest advertising can make your prospect buy whatever it is that you are selling. 

Cut out anything that doesn’t look or sound convincing and what is left will be the TRUTH, the real YOU. Create an atmosphere to GET ACTION by offering extra value for having acted in your advertising.

Did you know that 70% of the people in the world dress alike, think alike, look alike, act alike and ARE alike. And it is difficult to remember anything spacial about them. We quickly forget their names, their faces, their conversation, their work and everything about them. They are the lost souls who never accomplished to much and probably never will.

The last 30% are split into two category— 15% are below average and last 15% are above average. The last 15% group includes the people that stand out from the crowd. People who make an impression on others by the way they think, talk, walk, behave and conduct themselves. People who are admired, remembered wherever they go, whatever they do. They are the LEADERS. 

Can anyone join this group? 
Well most people must strive to achieve it. Well you will have to PRACTICE the qualities that are in demand and appreciated by others. And with any ambition to achieve it and to become a more successful network marketer, one must practice and practice some more.

Most of this practice revolves around relationships with others and their reactions to how we look, talk, act and react to them. The most important thing to do, is we have to SELL to other people what we promise to prospective BUYERS for their money they spend or whatever it is that they would like to acquire.

Change is not easy and it will take some time and a lot of effort. Many times you will be discouraged and tempted to give up. You will need encouragement most of which will have to come from your INNER SELF. 

Mistakes that may hurt your chance for success in MLM:
1— Never offer your prospect an excuse for not being interested in whatever you are offering. 
2— Avoid using headlines that act as STOPPER from wanting to know more about your product. Meaning do not use sweet talks that promise nothing.
3— Don’t be a picture that does not talk. When people meet you they immediately judge you by two things— how you look and what you say. Does what you say convey a promise? You as a person, must do the job to earn value right away. 
4— Don’t try to impress people by being clever. Your goal is to interest your prospect in what you have to offer- your personality, your knowledge, your ability, your future value to them or whatever it is that you are attempted to sell them.
5— Avoid telling a prospective customer an overlong story that you could tell in couple of sentences. Of course your prospect will listen intently stories that bring value, but when they begin to get distracted, you have lost them.
6— Don’t leave your prospect hanging after you have sold them. If your prospect is interested request for an order and give them the option to BUY Now.
7— Avoid endless talk, because it is just noice in their ears. Don’t turn them off or make them tire of hearing you. 

Advertising your offer will only attract attention only if you give a substantial reason for them to read it. If not, the person will give no more than a passing glance. It will be just another ad or just another advertising tragedy. Don’t forget that all of us are in the people-to-people business.

Next: Let’s talk about the principle of being a successful network marketer.

Listen ⇨ Living On The Edge Of The Real You