Bonjour and welcome to the MLM Trigger, I am your host Corine Arnaud and this PODCAST is to help you LEVERAGE Your Network Marketing Skills using the internet to grow your MLM downline.
We are going to dive into [What Makes Marketing Creative] and the use of IMAGINATION to differentiate your MLM product from other similar products.
Imagination is a mental process where consciousness departs from reality to create new content not currently found in existence. Imagination is key to marketing persuasion to find powerful new ways to succeed. We need imagination now more than ever--to find new opportunities, rethink our strategies and discover paths to growth.
The use of imagination in order to arrange your past experiences into something that fit more what your customers want and need. All you need to do is to keep an open mind, use your eyes that see, your ears that hear, your memory that clicks your curiosity that prompt your brain to take some risk.
Imagine you own road to success, where you want to go and how you're going to get there. That's where outlining your path to success comes in. This involves determining what actions you'll take, what resources you'll need and how you'll track your progress.
Another challenge of the imagination is to come up with unique ways to get the sale. More eyes on your content equals more opportunities for engagement, conversion and ultimately sales. Always make it easy to say YES than to say NO.
Customers and associates are the lifeblood of our network marketing business. Marketing is the process of creating customer satisfaction. So your challenge is to use your imagination to get the most out of your prospects and customers by offering them a reward by referring someone. You could also offer them the discounted bundle that each MLM company has when someone join the opportunity.
You know that tingle of joy you feel when you get someone to buy your products or opportunity. That's the magic of traffic in digital marketing. But it isn't just about feeding your ego or giving you the warm fuzz. Customers are the lifeblood of any online business, the non-stop party where you get to be the host.
Building relationships is also essential to your marketing strategy. You could do without it, but it wouldn't be quite as satisfying. Now we have three elements to combine out of our experience: people buy from people they KNOW, LIKE and TRUST.
Building relationships with prospects and customers is a little like dating. You want to show your best side, be attentive and show you're interested in them—not just their wallets. Providing value through your content is your opportunity to charm your audience, make them feel special and start to build trust and rapport.
This courtship isn't about the hard sell— it's about proving you're a good fit. Show them that you understand their needs, that you can meet these needs and that you're committed to providing value, whether they're ready to buy or not. It's about being consistent, reliable and attentive. Treat your customers like a valued date, and they'll be more likely to stick around for a long time.
Why… because the graveyard of hopes for success is filled with products with costly advertising but not by the necessary imagination, quality, value, service and proper management. Somehow people manage to put most uninspired network marketers out of business.
Necessity is the mother of INVENTION. In every part of our lives countless products of the imagination became necessities after they were produced.
Use your IMAGINATION— and imagine what your product can do for you..
Next: Le’ts talk about how to remove the prospect’s resistance.