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Bonjour and welcome to the MLM Trigger, I am your host Corine Arnaud and this PODCAST is to help you LEVERAGE Your Network Marketing Skills using the internet to grow your MLM downline.

We are going to dive into [Unbeatable Perfect Presentation] and we'll talk about how to send the traffic to the live webinar page. 

When you are doing your live webinar presentation you will learn from the audience by the questions people asked. Then review the questions and change your slides based on these questions. Make sure you give enough details in order to not missed out the things that people actually wanted most. You can add a few more slides showing different funnels and giving examples of how other industries can use it too. 

You’ll need to repeat this SAME process 60+ times over the next 12 months—doing a live webinar, exporting questions, and adjusting the presentation. Then yes, eventually you can automate the webinar, but not at first. You need to get people’s feedback, make changes, and perfect your webinar presentation. YES, It’s more work, but the result could be worth millions of dollars to you over time. 

You want to get the right people into your webinar who are ready to buy (like the FB strategy) that cost money, but there are other ways that you can get people to attend your webinars for free. When you are spending money, start with a lower ad budget at first. Run your webinar a few times to get the mistakes out and know what conversion rates to expect. Then you can spend more money on ads because you’ll know what kind of return to expect. 

In the beginning, all kinds of things could happen. FB could mess up your ads. Your webinar software could fail to record. You could lose power in the middle of your broadcast. Things happen. Sometimes no one even shows up at all. It’s important not to get discouraged. Stick to the plan, and work it WEEK IN and WEEK OUT. The beginning can be rough for some people. BUT Don’t quit! It won’t be long before you start hitting consistent numbers. 

Now that you know the model, let’s take a look at the funnel you’ll be using by following the 7 STEPS to move people from registration through the purchase. Today we will go over the first 2 steps.

STEP 1: SEND TRAFFIC TO THE WEBINAR REGISTRATION PAGE. How to get people into your funnel, so let’s talk about the actual funnel itself, starting with the registration page. Let’s see a few things you should do on your registration page to get the most people to register. 

The key to a high-converting webinar registration page is... CURIOSITY. 

That’s it. If your registration page isn’t converting well, it’s because you’re showing people too much and they assume they know the answer. If they think they know what you’re going to talk about, then they won’t register or show up. BUT if they can’t figure out what it is without registering, then you’ll get them to register AND show up. 

The headline should look like, “How to __________ without __________”. This is typically the key to getting people to register. Sometimes you need to tweak your headline to increase the curiosity factor. Let’s bring your attention to notice a few things about a registration page. 

Maybe the picture makes NO sense. When you look at it, you have no idea what it is or why you are doing it. It arouses curiosity. Find a picture of you that’s kinda related to the topic but kinda strange to help increase your conversions dramatically. DON’T put a VIDEO on a webinar registration page. Rarely (if ever) will it BEAT a strange image. 

The headline builds a TON of curiosity. Ex: My Weird MLM Funnel That’s Consistently bring people to ask me to join my team every week... And How You Can MODEL it In Less Than 10 Minutes! This headline gives you a hint about the presentation, but it leaves SO many unanswered questions. 

The page USES urgency and scarcity. Nothing gets people to act better than urgency and scarcity. These are your secret weapons—use them. 

STEP 2: SEND REGISTRANTS TO A THANK-YOU PAGE WITH A SELF-LIQUIDATING OFFER. After people register, we take them to a thank-you page where we give them the basic information for the webinar. On this page, you include a video, talking about why you are so excited for the webinar. They NEED to feel your passion for the subject or they won’t show up. 

REMEMBER: The registration page is about curiosity. The thank-you page is about your passion and excitement for what they are about to experience on the webinar. One of the biggest secrets about the thank-you page is that you can and should use it to sell people something! We call this a “self-liquidating offer” or SLO. 

There are a few reasons you want to include this offer here. Self-liquidating offer means it liquidates your ad costs. That’s right—often you can completely cover your ad costs from the product you offer on your thank-you page. That means everything you sell on the webinar is pure profit! 

If they buy something that complements what the webinar is about, they are more likely to show up live.

Buyers in motion tend to stay in motion, unless you do something to offend them. That means if they buy from you BEFORE the webinar, they are a lot more likely to buy from you ON the webinar. 

Thank you so very much for tuning in. Next week's episode is all about following up with your customers

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