Bonjour and welcome to the MLM Trigger, I am your host Corine Arnaud and this PODCAST is to help you LEVERAGE Your Network Marketing Skills using the internet to grow your MLM downline.
We are going to dive into [Perfecting Your Webinar Presentation] and we'll talk bout Sending INDOCTRINATION emails, sending REMINDERS and presenting the LIVE WEBINAR.
Between the time someone registers for the webinar to the time you deliver it live, there are about 10 million distractions that could keep them from showing up. If you’re not careful, the people you paid for with advertising won’t remember who you are by Thursday.
So during the in-between time, you send registrants videos to help introduce them to your philosophy, get them excited about the webinar, and presell them. Each of the videos is pre-selling them on one of your 3 Secrets, which is tied to a false belief pattern. So make a video talking about that belief pattern, and then tell them that the webinar will help them discover why that isn’t true, and why the opposite IS actually true.
Don’t answer the questions, just increase the curiosity for what they’re going to learn on the webinar.
The INDOCTRINATION sequence is NOT essential to the sale. It’s an AMPLIFIER. Oftentimes one of the indoctrination email— is the thing that gets them to watch a replay or to purchase after the webinar is over.
The reminders start on Wednesday. Just send quick emails and / or text messages that say something like: “Hey, don’t forget we’re talking about __________ LIVE tomorrow at __________.” People don’t always read every email, so send one the day before you go live, one the morning of the webinar, one an hour before you start, another one 15 minutes before, then a final one that says, “We’re live—join us!”
You can present your webinar on any day of the week and Thursdays seems like a good one. Others might prefer Tuesdays or Wednesdays, but that matters less than following the pre-webinar INDOC-TRI-NATION series, the Perfect Webinar script, and the follow-up sequences.
Here are a few things to keep in mind for the actual webinar.
#1. The webinar should be about 90 minutes long. The first 60 minutes, you focus on breaking and rebuilding their false belief patterns. This is typically the hardest part for people to get right. They try to teach, they try to share cool stuff, and they don’t understand why they don’t get lots of sales. The core teaching is identifying their false belief patterns. If you do this right, the product will sell easily. If you do it wrong, you’ll struggle. Review the Perfect Webinar section a dozen times until you master the section on belief patterns.
#2. The last 30 minutes is the pitch. You deliver that with the stack, and add in the CLOSES. When the 90 minutes is over, you can spend the remaining 15 or so minutes for Q & A, closing people between each question.
3. The best time of day for your webinar depends a lot on your market. You can schedule your webinar during the day because most people in the MLM industry are entrepreneurs who usually have more freedom over their schedules during the day. Other markets where people have 9–5 jobs usually require night-time webinars.
4. You can present your live webinars on many different platforms. Some use GoToWebinar some WebinarJam or other zoom to name a few. Each system has pros and cons, so you have to figure out what’s best for you.
5. Typically, about 25% of the registrants show up on the webinar. If less than 25% attend, focus more on the INDOCTRINATION sequence, sending text message reminders before the webinar, one email one hour before the webinar, and again 15 minutes before. Don’t forget you’ve paid a lot of money to get them registered, and you’re going to have to push hard to get them to show up.
6. When you transition from the content to the pitch, check how many people are still on the webinar, and base it on the closing stats on that number… Let’s see— So if you have a lot of people who are still on the webinar when you start the pitch at the 60-minute mark… typically the closing rate is 10 to 15%.
What will your closing rate be?
At first, it will probably be pretty low. That’s why you need to do your presentation live so many times. When you have a 5% closing rate, you have a good webinar and you are likely going to be profitable on the front end. When you get it to 10%, then you have a million- dollar-a-year webinar. When you get above 10%, let’s say 15%, you have a multi million- dollar-a-year webinar…
So it pays to keep refining your conversion rates by tweaking and presenting live presentations for 12 months.
Thank you so very much for tuning in. Next week's episode is all about the last 2 STEPS and a quick recap of the 7 Important STEPS you’ll be using to move people from registration through the purchase.