Bonjour and welcome to the MLM Trigger, I am your host Corine Arnaud and this PODCAST is to help you LEVERAGE Your Network Marketing Skills using the internet to grow your MLM downline.
We are going to dive into [4-Question Close for High-Ticket Offers] and we'll talk about adding an extra step when your offer is above $3,000.
The webinar process and the Perfect Webinar script you’ve just learned works really well for offers between $297 and $2,997. But when you’re selling more expensive offers, you need to add another step. Instead of just sending people to an order form, send them to a page where they fill out an application. Then get on the phone and interview them to see if they’d be a good fit for the program.
This works for two reasons.
Reason #1: It’s much easier to sell a $2,997–$20,000 program on the phone. That extra step helps people feel more comfortable paying the higher dollar amounts.
Reason #2: At the higher-level programs, you are typically going to be working more closely with people. You can screen them to make sure you’ll enjoy working with them. If they aren’t a good fit, then don’t accept them into your programs.
Once I bought a program from Dean Grasiozi & Tony Robbins, and I experienced the two-step phone script. For that script to work they had sales people working for them – they needed two people: a setter and a closer. It works amazingly well, but only when the expert— “in this case was Dean Graziosi” ISN’T the one on the phone. Of course in the beginning, you will be doing these sales calls yourself.
I learned various parts of this strategy from a few different people. Dean Grasiozi, then Dan Sullivan who wrote a book called The Question, which this whole script is based on, also from Russell Brunson and from Mike Filsaime.
Even though this is called the 4-Question Close Script, it’s more like a 4-phase script. There are four primary questions, but you will be asking follow-up questions to dig deeper and get more complete answers.
Before the prospects get on the phone with you, they fill out an application form so you can pre-qualify them. Then you should have an assistant contact them to set up a 30-minute call. Once you’re on the call, most people will want to open with small talk. That invites them to ramble on and waste time. You don’t want that. You want to set yourself up as the one running the call right from the start. So you’re going to say:
Hey, this is Corine and I’m excited to be on the call with you. So here’s how these calls work. I’m going to ask you four questions. Depending on how you answer them and how well we get along, we’ll decide whether to move forward. Sound fair enough?
They should answer yes, or the call can end right there. You’re getting a micro-commitment here, a little yes right at the start. You’re also setting the ground rules so you can steer the conversation where you want it to go. Once they agree, it’s time to start asking the questions.
Imagine you and I were to start working together today. I teach you everything I know and do everything I can to help you get results. Now imagine we’re sitting in a coffee shop a year from now. What would have happened in your life, both personally and professionally, for you to feel happy with your progress? What would make you believe that this was the best decision you ever made?
You’re trying to get them to describe their external and internal goals here. You want to hear their true desires.
If they can’t answer this question, you don’t want to work with them because you’ll never be able to satisfy them. No matter how much you accomplish—and no matter how much they pay you—if they can’t articulate their desires, then you won’t be able to make them a reality.
Most likely, they’ll start by describing external desires. They want to make $10,000 a month. Or they want a boat or a fancy new house in a better school district. They want to lose weight or have a better relationship with their spouse. This is a great start, but you want to dig deeper and get to the internal desires as well. So ask follow-up questions based on their answers.
Thank you so very much for tuning in. Next week's episode is all about go into the following up questions based on their EXTERNAL DESIRES, and that’s how the 4-Question Close works.