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Bonjour and welcome to the MLM Trigger, I am your host Corine Arnaud and this PODCAST is to help you LEVERAGE Your Network Marketing Skills using the internet to grow your MLM downline.

We are going to dive into [The Power of Questions for High-Ticket Offer] and we'll go a little bit deeper into the 4-Questions Close Script. 

Most likely they would want to achieve… like making $10,000 a month… getting a fancy new house. They want to lose weight or have a better relationship with their spouse. But you want to dig deeper and get to the internal desires as well. So ask follow-up questions based on their answers. 

Question #1: Why do you want to make $10,000 a month? Why do you want that fancy new house? 

Then they’ll start revealing the values and beliefs that are truly important to them. Maybe they want $10,000 a month to prove to their family that they’re a good provider. Or maybe they have a favorite charity they want to support in a big way. Maybe they want to be in a good school district because their kids aren’t being challenged where they are. 

Do you see how very different those inner desires can be for different people, even though they want the same things. You need to know those inner reasons— WHY they want what they want. So keep digging until they reveal those deep emotional connections. 

At the end of the day, we all want the same things—respect, inclusion, and purpose. When you dig and dig— eventually they say something that reveals one of these three things, you can stop and move to the next question. They might say, “I just want my father to respect me.” Or “I want my life to have a purpose, so I live on when I die.” Or “I want to be part of something bigger than myself.” Train yourself to listen carefully for these cues. Then move on to the next question. 

Question #2: Tell them: Clearly, you know what you want. You’ve painted a really great picture for me. So let me ask you this—why don’t you have it yet? What’s standing in your way or holding you back? 

Here you’re looking for their obstacles and objections. If they don’t have what they want yet, there must be a reason. And you need to know whether you can help them with those obstacles or not. 

If they start blaming other people, you can’t help them. Listen if they say things like “My spouse doesn’t support me”, or “I tried XYZ program and it didn’t work. If they’re blaming other people or outside circumstances for their failures, you really don’t want them as a client. 

You want people who will take responsibility for their own actions. So listen for some version of “I don’t know how.” Maybe they say, “I tried XYZ program, but I just didn’t understand the finer details. I need to take the time to master the process.” The key here is the word “I”. If they talk about themselves a lot, then chances are you can help them. If they don’t know how to do something and you can help them, you’re going to have a successful relationship. 

Next it’s time to get them thinking about possibilities. 

Question #3: I want you to think about what resources, connections or skills you have access to that you’re not currently utilizing 100%, that we could use to help overcome your obstacles and achieve your goals. 

Give them some time to think about it. They might come up with some great answers, or they might come up with something off-the-wall. The point is to get them thinking about the possibilities. 

Whatever they come up with— is good. Encourage them to keep thinking. Keep asking, “What else? What else?” until they run out of ideas. When they do, you say this: Okay, so let’s review for a minute. 

1. It looks like you know exactly what you want. You told me you want ______ because __________.

2. Now you haven’t been able to achieve that before primarily because of ______ and ______, right?  Now I briefly talk about my experience with the same obstacles they are struggling with, and ask them if they think I could help them to overcome those obstacles. 

3. And last, it looks like you have all these resources you could leverage that you’re not leveraging yet, right? 

I then ask them, “How much more money do you think you’d make (or how much weight would you lose or how much better would your marriage be) if you were able to eliminate the obstacles and leverage those resources?” 

I let them explain to me what will happen. “Oh man, if I could do that, I’m pretty sure I could make a million dollars (or lose a ton of weight, or be so much happier in my marriage)...” I then transition to the final question. 

Question #4: So I only have one more question. Do you want me to help you?  Then I stop talking. I don’t say another word UNTIL they answer. Most of the time, they will say yes. 

Then all I have to do is say:  Great! Here’s how it works. My fee is $__________. For that money, you get __________. I’m here to help you. I can transfer you over to my assistant to take care of the financial details right now. Would you like to do that? 

If they say yes, you’re done. Usually the only reason they won’t agree at this point is because they don’t have the money. If that’s the case, you can offer a payment plan. 

If you’ve done a good job with the questions, and they can afford your fee, then you should close most of the people you talk to. Just send them off to your assistant to handle the credit card details, and you’re all set. 

And that’s how the 4-Question Close works.

Thank you so very much for tuning in. Next week's episode we are going to keep on the Perfect Presentation creation. 

Listen ⇨ The Power of Questions for High-Ticket Offer