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Bonjour and welcome to the MLM Trigger, I am your host Corine Arnaud and this PODCAST is to help you LEVERAGE Your Network Marketing Skills using the internet to grow your MLM downline.

We are going to dive into [Stories That Hook You] and we'll use your Perfect Webinar presentation process in ALL areas of marketing, including email.

This concept was created by Andre Chaperon called Soap Opera Sequences, which are the emails you send to someone when they first join your list. He called them soap opera sequences because each email ends with a hook that draws you to the next episode, just like a soap opera does. 

For the last couple years, I had been using Soap Opera Sequences emails with different story structures. I started to see other entrepreneurs using the Perfect Webinar Presentation in different situations like FB Live and video sales letters and the best part is that the same process will also work as an email sequence. 

In fact, you could do ALL the selling by email, and not even push them into attending a presentation. “after your initial full year doing it live.”

Here is how it works:

Question #1: What’s the new opportunity I’m offering?

Question #2: What is the one Big Domino for this offer?

Question #3: What special offer can I create for those who purchase? 

Question #4: What is my Epiphany Bridge origin story?

Question #5: What are three false beliefs they have about this new opportunity (the 3 Secrets), and what Epiphany Bridge stories will I tell to break those false belief patterns? False Belief (Vehicle) Epiphany Bridge Story (Vehicle) and False Belief (Internal) - Epiphany Bridge Story (Internal) and False Belief (External) - Epiphany Bridge Story (External)

So you can take the Perfect Webinar Presentation and brake it down into the four core stories and the stack, added each into an email, and tested it out. The results are amazing! So much so that you can add them into every funnel you have. 

There are a few different ways that you can be successfully used this so far. The first is just writing out each story for the emails. The second way is making videos telling each of the stories, and then linking to the video inside of the emails. Honestly the way they receive the story matters less than following the actual story structure that you learned about earlier in this podcast. 

One of the keys to remember in soap opera sequence like this is that each email needs to pull people into the next story in the next email. Think about how good soap operas, reality shows and most shows on TV are able to pull you through the commercial breaks and to the week to week by getting you excited by what is about to happen, then cutting it off. We do the same thing in these emails, teasing about the next email that’s coming so they are anxiously waiting for it. 

You can use this same concept for any kind of product launch funnel. The stories in the webinars worked really well, so why not just use them again here. And with that, we basically just recreated the Perfect Webinar Presentation and Epiphany Bridge stories inside of the product launch funnel structure. 

You can record an intro video telling your origin story, then had them in the funnel with the rest of the videos in the sequence. Then video #1 became Secret #1, which told them about the new opportunity. Secret #2 focused on their internal beliefs, and Secret #3 their external beliefs. Then video #4 was just a video doing the stack. 

It worked amazingly well, and you can create different product launch funnel versions with their Perfect Webinars Presentation. One of the most powerful ways is after someone comes through your webinar funnel, to send emails to those who didn’t show up to the webinar, and have them go through the product launch sequence instead. That way, those who didn’t get a chance to consume your message can get it in a different format they may be more likely to watch.

Thank you so very much for tuning in. Next week's episode is all about “How do you get people into those funnels? 

Listen ⇨ Stories That Hook You