Bonjour and welcome to the MLM Trigger, I am your host Corine Arnaud and this PODCAST is to help you LEVERAGE Your Network Marketing Skills using the internet to grow your MLM downline.
We are going to dive into [Your Unstoppable Character] and let’s go through the process on how to build out your Attractive Character profile.
1. Share your backstory. Every good Attractive Character has to have a backstory. It’s essential if you want results.
If you turned on the TV and saw Jared sitting there eating a subway sandwich, what would your reaction be? You’d probably think something like, Who’s that annoying skinny guy just sitting there eating a subway sandwich? Without knowing his backstory of amazing weight loss, you would be unable to relate to him. He’d just be a man eating subway sandwich.
But if you see Jared’s backstory—pictures of him at 425 pounds and now 190 pounds— and then see him eating subway sandwich, it’s a whole different story. You might think, I’m just like he was. If he can lose all that weight just by eating subway sandwich all day, maybe I can too. I want to be where he is.
Do you see the difference in a potential customer’s reaction?
YOU share your backstory because you want people to see where you came from. If they CAN relate to where you came from, then they will want to follow you to where you are now.
If they don’t know your backstory, your potential customers won’t follow you or listen to you. You’ll seem untouchable. However, if they see that you were once in a similar situation, then they instantly identify with you and will follow you. Your story has provided a hook.
You can then, lay out the path and they will want to follow that path. The key is that the story has to relate to the product you’re selling somehow. If you’re selling a weight-loss product, you want to talk about a weight-loss backstory.
2. Speak in parables. A parable is a story about something that happened in your Attractive Character’s life. You have the ability to use the interesting things that happen throughout your life to teach and inspire others—and sell your MLM products or opportunity.
You can use PARABLE to teach the core principles that you want and need your customers to understand. Think about other teachers you have had in the past, those who had a great impact on your life. If they had a lasting impact on you, it’s because they taught you memorable stories.
You want to use parable anytime you are going to ask somebody to make an investment with you. Because you know the potential customer wants success, but you know they can’t have it unless they make that investment. Do you see HOW sharing a parable, is MORE powerful than just telling someone he/she needs to make a personal investment? Just know that when you stop teaching facts and start teaching through parables, your messages will stay with an audience longer.
3. Share your character flaws. You need to understand that every believable, Attractive Character has flaws.
Think about your favorite characters in movies, books, or TV shows. Every character that you bond with emotionally has flaws. No one wants to hear about the perfect person—because they can’t relate. Yet most of us try to put on a perfect facade for our audiences, and we alienate the people we are trying to reach. As soon as your audience knows you’re not perfect, that you have character flaws, then they will start to connect with you. They will like you more because you are like them… not perfect.
4. Harness the power of polarity. Another challenge people face when communicating with their audience is trying not to offend anyone. So, instead of being a relatable person, they become bland and stay neutral on many topics, only sharing safe things everyone will love.
The problem is that being neutral is boring. When an Attractive Character tries to win the votes of everyone, they end up reaching no one. Instead, share your opinions on hard matters, and stick to your guns—no matter how many people disagree with you. You draw a line in the sand. When you take a stand for what you believe in, you will split your audience into: those who agree with you, those who are neutral, and those who disagree with you.
As soon as you start taking sides on important issues, you’ll start to create that polarization and you’ll develop haters. But you’ll also develop a group of raving fans. Those are the people who will buy your products, services and opportunity. It will change your audience into diehard fans who will follow what you say, share your message, and buy from you over and over again.
Remember… if nobody’s talking about you, then nobody knows who you are. It’s time to step out of that neutral zone and start sharing your opinions. Bring the things you care about into the world.
Next: We are going to talk about the types of identities of your Attractive Character in order to communicate with your audience.