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Bonjour and welcome to the MLM Trigger, I am your host Corine Arnaud and this PODCAST is to help you LEVERAGE Your Network Marketing Skills using the internet to grow your MLM downline.

We are going to dive into [How To Keep Your Viewer Engaged and Wanting More] and talk about email sequences and how you can have your customers reading all your emails consistently.

When somebody joins your list for the first time, it’s essential that you quickly build a bond between them and YOU “the Attractive Character”. The way you introduce your character can mean the difference between a subscriber opening your emails consistently or hitting the delete key. 

You want to learn the concept that teaches how to establish authority with your prospect from Andre Chaperon who created the “Soap Opera Sequence”. You’re going to introduce your Attractive Character and build up an open-ended dramatic story that draws the reader in.

Did you realize HOW the big TV networks keep us glued for the next episode? Have you ever notice that soap opera stories rely on open-ended, high- drama episodes that hook the viewers in and keep them coming back every single day to find out what happens next. If you relate to the characters, you can’t help but get sucked into the drama and want to know what’s coming next. 

Andre talks about Soap-Opera-Sequences and how to use them to keep your audience engaged. The principle is simple. You need to create the hook and reel them in, then get them to take the action you want.

We’re going to use the same story structure and elements to create your opening email sequence. The goal is to create an instant bond between your Attractive Character and the person reading the email. If your first email is boring, you’re done. They probably won’t open the next one. But if you give them something interesting and hook them with an open storyline in the first email, then they will look forward to the next one, and the next, and the next.

You can build out as many sequences of emails as you want to send out when someone joins your list. Remember, this is your introduction to your readers. The key to making this sequence work is by creating an OPEN and CLOSE loop that will drag them from one email to the next. 

For example, in the first email you can tell them that you discovered the secret to getting rid of their back pain forever without expensive pain medications or side effects ... but instead of telling them all the details, you merely open that loop and tell them you’ll give them the secret tomorrow. Then, in the second email, you will give them the secret, but then you open a new loop that pulls them into email number three. This tactic pulls them from opening one email to the next email.

Let me walk you through the strategy for the few first email that the readers get when they join your list. It’s simple, and it works to build a relationship with “you” the Attractive Character.

Email #1: Set the Stage. This is the first email, with a thank you note that people took the time to sign up for your list. It sets the stage for the emails to come and lets people know what to expect. You are going to email them once a day, twice a day or more. Many entrepreneurs recommend once a day for the best results but I always believed that less is better.

Email #2: Open with High Drama. Okay, if you did a good job opening a loop in email number one, then the reader will be anxiously waiting for your next email to come in. This is where the story “selling” process begins— ALWAYS start your story at the point of high drama. Most people make the mistake and start their stories at the beginning. But usually stories don’t get good until the middle, so it’s better to start at the good part, and then you can go back and fill in the backstory after readers are hooked.

Email #3: Now it’s time to start bringing in the dawn. You have an epiphany. You realize something you hadn’t thought of before. Maybe it’s something that was right in front of you the whole time. It’s the moment that everything turned around for you. By now the reader is so hooked in, they want to know (and hopefully buy) your solution. Most of the time, your epiphany email will lead back to your core offer— whatever you’re selling that solves the problem like your MLM product or opportunity.

Email #4: In this email, you want to point out benefits the reader is getting by knowing you and following your plan or by using your MLM product. You want to focus on benefits that probably aren’t as obvious. This gives you another reason to email them, and it gives the prospect another chance to build an even stronger bond with YOU the Attractive Character. This email will point out the hidden benefits they may not have thought about before. So, you want to come up with parables (stories) that demonstrate those hidden benefits.

Email #5: This could be one of the last email in your Soap Opera Sequence. It’s NOT the last email you will send people, it’s just the end of your introduction. The goal is to give the reader one last push to go take action right now. You do that by adding urgency into the equation and then using a call to action (CTA) to maybe buy your MLM product or join your opportunity. 

Each email should be easy to read and fast to scan. So, use one or two sentences per line. Add in lots of white space. Do not use long paragraphs that slow people down. You want to write out the basic structure elements first. Then fill in the juicy details with load of personality and emotional hooks. This is the reader’s introduction to YOUR Attractive Character, so you want people to bond with you and be entertained

Next: How should your Attractive Character communicate with your list going forward.

Listen ⇨ How To Keep Your Viewer Engaged and Wanting More