Bonjour and welcome to the MLM Trigger, I am your host Corine Arnaud and this PODCAST is to help you LEVERAGE Your Network Marketing Skills using the internet to grow your MLM downline.
We are going to dive into [How To Communicate Effectively With Your Customer] and how to pre-frame your customers that will respond the way you want them to respond. By setting up a positive frame of mind before you asked them a favor.
Now that you understand HOW the PRE-FRAMING WORKS, you’re going to love how powerful the seven phases of a funnel truly are.
There are three critical steps before the visitor even gets to the landing page that have a huge effect on your conversions. There are also several steps in the funnel that happen after someone leaves your landing page. These have an enormous impact on your conversions and your bottom line. When you understand all seven points in the funnel, your business will likely explode without any additional traffic or tweaking. So, let’s go through the phases one at a time.
Phase #1: Determine Traffic Temperature. This first phase is to examine the mindset of the traffic before it reaches your site—or, your traffic temperature. You may not ever think about it, but there are three levels of traffic that come to your website: HOT - WARM - COLD. Each group needs special treatment and individualized communication. Each needs to come across a different bridge to arrive at your landing page. Yes, that means you need three different landing pages, depending on how you’re driving traffic.
Gene Schwartz understood hot vs. warm and cold traffic and how you must communicate differently with each type. Gene said: If your prospect is aware of your product and has realized it, he/she can satisfy his/her desire, your headline starts with the product.
If your prospect is not aware of your product, but only of the desire itself, your headline starts with the desire.
If your prospect is not yet aware of what he/she really seeks, but is concerned with the general problem, your headline starts with the problem and crystallizes it into a specific need.
Hot Traffic is made up of people who already know who you are. They’re on your email list, they subscribe to your podcast, they read your blog—you have an established relationship with them. You’re going to talk to these people like they’re your friends. You want to use personality-driven communication. Tell them stories, share your opinions, and let them into your private life a little bit.
Warm Traffic consists of people who don’t know you, but they have a relationship with somebody you know. This is where joint venture (JV) partnerships work well. Affiliates or JV partners have relationships with their lists, and they endorse you or your offer to their subscribers. They lend their credibility to you so their followers feel comfortable checking out your offers.
Cold Traffic is made up of people who have no idea who you are. They don’t know what you offer or whether they can trust you. These may be people you find on Facebook or who click on your pay-per-click ads. Maybe they stumble across your blog somehow. Most likely, you’re paying for this traffic somehow, so it’s important to pre-frame them correctly to get the highest return on your investment.
Phase #2: Set Up the Pre-Frame Bridge. The second phase is your pre-frame bridge. This might be a pay-per-click ad or it might be an article in an email or a blog post. It might be a YouTube video. It’s a bridge that pre-frames people before they get to your landing page. Different types of traffic need different bridges.
A Hot Traffic Bridge is typically very short. You already have a relationship with these people, so you don’t have to do a lot of credibility building or pre-framing. You can probably just send out a quick email with a link to your landing page, and that’s about it. Or maybe you write a blog post or record a podcast encouraging people to go check out your offer. These people will listen and do as you suggest simply because they already know, like, and trust you.
A Warm Traffic Bridge is a little longer than a hot traffic bridge, but not much. All that traffic needs is a little note of endorsement from a person they trust; then they’ll be in the right frame of mind to go to the landing page. This is where a personal email from a Join Venture partner comes in. This bridge could be an email, or it could also be a video, article, or some other communication from the list owner, endorsing you and your product.
A Cold Traffic Bridge is the holy grail of online marketing. If you really want to scale your business, you have to learn how to convert cold traffic. Most people can’t convert a cold list, they get stuck and just can’t make it work. If you learn this one skill—converting cold traffic—you’ll know the secret behind growing six figure-seven-figure businesses. This bridge is the longest. You need to do some good preliminary work to get the prospect into a desirable frame of mind before he/she hits your landing page.
When you work with cold traffic you don’t want to use the wrong language or nobody will buy. You need to make your offer more general. Talk in terms that cold traffic will understand. First, you want to explain those concepts so the person would know what you are talking about.
Next: We are going to continue going through the next phases of the funnel.