Bonjour and welcome to the MLM Trigger, I am your host Corine Arnaud and this PODCAST is to help you LEVERAGE Your Network Marketing Skills using the internet to grow your MLM downline.
We are going to dive into [Becoming The Rockstar] and the importance of building yourself as the attractive character first before you start sharing your offer.
Every great mass movement has a leader or the attractive character, most likely you. The attractive characters are changing the lives of thousands of people by serving and helping them. It’s almost like a voice inside telling them they are destined for greatness.
The biggest hurdle you’re likely to face is being okay with positioning yourself as an expert. You have the ability and the responsibility to serve others with your gifts, whatever they are.
You’ve been blessed with talents, ideas, and unique abilities that have gotten you to where you are in life, and those gifts were given to you so you could share them with others. There are people today who need what you have. And they are just waiting for you to find your voice, so you can help them change their lives.
If you’re going to start a mass movement and create a vehicle for change, then ask yourself “WHO do I want to serve?” The answer to that question is typically people who were just like you before you became an expert. As a charismatic leader, you’re going to lead people on a path you’ve walked before.
Almost all expert businesses are based on one of three core markets: Health - Wealth - Relationship. So which of those three matches your MLM core market? When you’ve identified which core market you fit into, you need to dig at least two levels deep to find your specific audience.
Inside these three core markets are multiple submarkets, so what submarket does your MLM fit? The goal is to carve out a unique spot in that ecosystem where you can thrive. That will be your niche. And that niche is one of the keys to success as an expert. You want to look at your submarket and try to create a new niche. Create a new opportunity for people so they’ll want to dive in.
What you have to offer must be different from everyone else in your market. As you start looking around at the other leader in your submarket, you’re going to find out who your competitors are, what they teach, and how they do so. Then you will start to see where YOU fit into this ecosystem. You want to create a message that will complement the other players in your MLM market, NOT compete with them. If you do this correctly, all your big “competitors” will almost instantly become your best partners.
After you’ve identified the market you want to serve, make sure that particular market will be able to sustain your new expert business. It’s important to make sure they will be excited about what you want to share. You will be creating a new opportunity for them, and it has to be something that will make them interested enough to take action to join you opportunity or buy your products/services.
You want the chosen niche with its own subculture already established which most MLM have. You want people WILLING and ABLE to spend money on your offer.
Becoming an attractive character that your audience wishes they could live… is the key to understand that the people will follow you because you have completed the journey they are on right now, and they want the result you have already achieved. They want to become like you— because that will inspire them more than anything you could ever say. The gap between where they see themselves and where they see you is what moves them to action and helps them make the necessary changes.
If you want to make an impact, you have to be certain. Certainty is what draws people to leaders and experts. Don’t be boring. Your audience must be fascinated with you and what you teach. When your messages cause polarity, it attracts attention and people will pay for it. Neutrality is boring, and rarely is money made or change are created when you stay neutral. If you’re boring, they’re not going to connect with you.
Understand how to use persuasion and refer to “The One Sentence Persuasion Course by Blair Warren”. Here is a quick recap: People will do anything for those who encourage their dreams, justify their failures, allay their fears, confirm their suspicions, and help them throw rocks at their enemies.
Care...a LOT. The next part of being a charismatic leader is showing people that you actually care about them. There’s an old saying that goes, “They don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.”
If your audience thinks you are just in this to make money, your vehicle for change will not last long. Your following will not grow. In fact, it will shrink very quickly. If you choose your ideal associate correctly and be willing to serve, teach and train for free they will know how much you care about them.
Offer them value from their perceived relationship with you. They’ve joined your team, subscribed to your list, they read your blog and listen to on stage—they’re hearing from you all the time. They want to see some sort of value in return for the time they are spending with you. And they want to get value as THEY define it.