Bonjour and welcome to the MLM Trigger, I am your host Corine Arnaud and this PODCAST is to help you LEVERAGE Your Network Marketing Skills using the internet to grow your MLM downline.
We are going to dive into [How To Revolutionize Your Industry] and the third piece of the equation your vehicle for change—the new opportunity.
The vehicle for change is what you are offering to people, is the most important part of the process. The difference between having some modest success and changing the world comes down to understanding and implementing the new opportunity.
Most often, when people start thinking about the product or the service they want to offer, they start by looking around at what is already out there, and then they try to “build it better”. When you do that, you are not offering them a new opportunity, you are offering them an “improvement” offer. Our goal is not to fix what’s not working. BUT is to REPLACE what’s not working with something better.
Do you remember when Steve Jobs stood in front of the world and told everyone he wanted to revolutionize the music industry. Then he pointed out all the “improvement” offers that promised to get us more of the same. The CD with 10–15 songs. The MP3 player with 150 songs, or a hard drive that held 1,000 songs. Each product improved the one before it, gave people more songs on one device. Steve Jobs wanted to create a new opportunity where someone could bring their entire music library—ALL their CDs and digital music—everywhere they went. And he wanted people to carry it inside their pockets. That’s when he pulled the first iPod out of his pocket, showed everyone the new opportunity he created, and transformed the music industry forever.
STATUS is the magic word in this business. When someone is presented with an opportunity, their subconscious mind is working on the answer to this question: Is this thing I’m considering, going to increase my status or decrease it? Status has nothing to do with how other people perceive you, but rather with how you perceive yourself. If a potential customer can say, “Yes, this will increase my status” they will move toward it.
People are going to weigh the likelihood of success and elevated status against the risk of failure and the cost of that failure. Your job as the expert is to load up the elevated status side of the scale and decrease the risk of failure. You can do that by creating an amazing product and minimizing risk with things like money-back guarantees, risk reversals, and done-for-you options. The key to making a sale is 100% tied to this concept of status.
Do you know WHY PEOPLE CRAVE NEW OPPORTUNITIES: Because when people discover your new opportunity for the first time, they’re going to want to share it and that gives them an immediate increase in status. One reason many people struggle to make the changes they want and need in their lives is the fear of failure. When you make a new opportunity, you’re giving them a new dream to move toward. Because improvement offers sell THROUGH the pain, where new opportunities sell AWAY from the pain.
When you have a charismatic leader, a future-based cause, and a new opportunity, you have the perfect environment for REAL change. Once you have that environment, you can get people to follow you and pay you so you can move them forward and change their lives for the better.
There are two ways to position a new opportunity, either as an Opportunity Switch or an Opportunity Stack.
Each of our prospects has a desire for some result, and they have been trying to get that result through some vehicle. Maybe they are trying to lose weight, and the vehicle they have currently chosen to lose weight is the Paleo diet. So you want to take them out of the vehicle (Paleo diet) they’re currently using and switch them into your new opportunity. Opportunity switching takes them out of the pain they’re currently in and gives them hope for a new future through a new vehicle.
Sometimes the new opportunity is offered through a webinar, a book or a video. It matters less what product they are buying, it’s more important to understand that they are leaving behind whatever old beliefs they had about how to achieve their desired results and putting their hope and faith into this new opportunity.
After someone has made the switch into your new opportunity, then all future sales to that prospect are typically an opportunity stack, not an improvement offer. You don’t want to switch your prospects from opportunity to opportunity because it will cause confusion and break trust. But you can offer them an opportunity stack within the new opportunity that they have just joined. After they’ve decided to make that opportunity switch, then you will look for the other new opportunities within this opportunity that you can offer that will help to serve your prospects at a higher level.
Next: Now that you know why your offer needs to be a new opportunity, let’s dive into how you can create that offer/funnel correctly from the ground up.