Bonjour and welcome to the MLM Trigger, I am your host Corine Arnaud and this PODCAST is to help you LEVERAGE Your Network Marketing Skills using the internet to grow your MLM downline.
We are going to dive into [The Power Of Telling Stories] and how to structure and use your stories to create belief in the mind of your customers.
The epiphany bridge script follows a similar path as the hero’s two journeys that we talked about in our last episode the one that you will see in every movie, TV show, play etc… But it’s built it in a way that makes telling your stories very simple.
Keep the script on your desk and use it all the time when you are telling your stories. You’ll be telling a lot of stories, so mastering this script will become one of the most important things you could ever do.
An epiphany bridge story has eight core sections that pull you through the hero’s two journeys. There is a question that goes with each section and answering each question actually will create your story. Those questions will be enough to give you the framework to tell any story.
1. The Backstory: What is your backstory that gives us a vested interest in your journey? Most good stories start with the backstory, that means remembering where you were before you had your big “aha”. Go back to that time and place, and remember the circumstances that caused you to start on your hero’s journey. Usually this backstory starts at about the same point where your listener is in their life right now. They desire the same result that you have already achieved. But when they see you as the expert and see what you’ve accomplished, it can be really hard for them to relate to you and trust you. That’s why you must come down from your positioning as an expert, and return to the beginning where you were struggling with the same things they are. When they see that you were once where they are now, they will have faith that you can take them where they want to go.
2. Your Desires: What is it you want to accomplish? Here is where you talk about what it is that you desired the most. Here you want to talk about the external struggle you are dealing with?
The external struggle is what drives the journey of accomplishment— the hero’s first journey. It’s tied to your desire but these are rarely the real issues they are dealing with. To find out the true cause of their pain, you need to dig deeper and share your internal conflicts. Here you want to talk about the Internal struggle you are dealing with?
The internal struggle is the journey of transformation from fear to courage—the hero’s second journey. This is the root cause of your struggles. But for your story to be really impactful, the hero needs to have done more than just accomplish their goal. They need to have become someone different in the process.
3. The Wall: What was the wall you hit within your current opportunity that started you on this new journey? That wall is the frustration you felt because of the current opportunity you have been using to try to accomplish your desires. This old opportunity is not working and is the reason you (as well as your listeners) are willing to go on a journey to try something new.
4. The Epiphany: What was the epiphany you experienced and new opportunity you discovered? This is the point where something happens that shows them the path they need to follow, which changed their perception of reality.
5. The Plan: What was the plan you created to achieve your desire? Now you talk about the plan you’ve created to see if this new opportunity will lead you to what you desire the most. Then what are the steps you took to get to your goals.
6. The Conflict: What conflict did you experience along the way? Remember, it isn’t the desire of the character that causes the emotion, it comes from the conflict they experience while they are trying to reach that goal. After the hero develops a plan, they move forward on it until something happens, they start to run into conflict. They reach the POINT OF NO RETURN. This is when the desire shifts from a SHOULD to a MUST.
7. The Achievement: What was your end result? After your final push, something happens. Either you achieve your external desires, or you don’t. Share the aftermath of what happened so people can see the results that you got from the new opportunity.
8. The Transformation: What was the transformation you experienced? Here you talk about who you became through this process. This is the resolution of your internal struggles, and is the death of the hero’s identity and the rebirth of your new belief systems.
The goal of all good stories is to break old belief patterns and rebuild them with new ones. When you create your stories this way, you are helping people to break free from their old belief systems and create a new future. That is the goal of a good Epiphany Bridge story.
Next: We are going to go into the false beliefs people have about your new opportunity, and then look at the stories we need to create to break those false belief patterns.