Bonjour and welcome to the MLM Trigger, I am your host Corine Arnaud and this PODCAST is to help you LEVERAGE Your Network Marketing Skills using the internet to grow your MLM downline.
We are going to dive into [Knowing What To Say And When To Say It] and now let’s talk about the false belief systems that support our decisions on day to day basis.
We all create belief systems that support our decisions. We’ve been doing it pretty much from the day we were born. Those belief systems are the foundations for our lives. We create these beliefs to feel safe and safeguard our status. And while they’ve been developed to protect us, oftentimes they’re also the things that keep us from progressing in our lives.
When I’m trying to sell someone on my new MLM opportunity, almost instantly their subconscious mind will start thinking about all the reasons why it won’t work for them. The bad news is that, these beliefs can be really strong.
Let me tell you how these beliefs are created. The starting point is with an experience. It could be positive or negative, but immediately after they have that experience, their mind quickly creates a story about what that experience meant. Our brain takes that story we created and that story becomes a belief… It’s pretty simple, yet that process has happened tens of thousands of times in your life and those have created the person you are today.
It’s interesting that two people can have the exact same experience, but because of the story they created, it affected their beliefs very differently. So you have to understand that when you speak to people about your new opportunity, they will bring thousands of pre-conceived beliefs with them that you have to combat if you are going to make the sale.
The good news is that when you know what those false belief patterns are, and you understand the experiences and the stories that your prospects have created in their minds, you can actually use the Epiphany Bridge stories to replace their old stories—break their false beliefs—and create new ones. Let’s take a look at how it works.
Question: What “false chains of belief” might your potential customer have about your new opportunity? If you’re in network marketing or multi-level marketing (MLM) a false chain of belief might be something like: “If I joined a network marketing / MLM program, I could lose my friends.” If you’re not able to think of the false beliefs that your potential prospects might have, think about the false beliefs that you had before your big epiphany moment. Now that you have clarify the false belief, the next step is to figure out what experience they had in their lives that cause the false beliefs.
Question: What is the experience your prospect had that cause this belief? “One time I joined an MLM, I tried to sign up my friends, family and everyone I knew because I loved the product so much but all of them got mad.”
Question: What is the false story they are telling themselves now that is creating uncertainty about your new opportunity? “My story is that people have to bug their friends and family to have success in network marketing.”
Now it’s your job to find an Epiphany Bridge story that shows how you once had a similar belief. Use your own story or share someone else’s story… and because of this new story, you now have a new belief pattern, and the old story you were telling yourself was wrong.
“I also thought I had to give up friends if I joined an MLM, but then I learned that you can actually generate leads online. The internet is full of people who want to join my program! So I can grow my team without involving my friends or family.”
When you start to understand this concept, you will realized that stories are the keys to belief. If you can identify people’s false beliefs and tell stories that show them the truth, you won’t need to “sell” them anything. The stories lead people to the right belief, and they sell themselves.
The key to make a change in people mind, is to use stories to break their false beliefs and then rebuild their new beliefs. And that is why it’s essential for you to start building up your inventory of stories.
The better you get at telling the stories, the more effective you’ll become at persuading others, and you’ll know exactly what to say when customers bring up objections.
There are three CORE false beliefs that come to the surface and keep someone from buying, even if they believe the new opportunity is right for them.
1. Other false beliefs they may have about the vehicle or new opportunity you’re presenting them.
2. Their internal false beliefs about their own abilities to execute on the new opportunity.
3. External false beliefs they have about outside forces that could keep them from success… such as time or the economy
Now that you’ve identified the core false beliefs and you have a bridge with your stories that will get people to believe in your message. Next you’ll use stories to knock down each of the beliefs holding up the Big Domino. When that happens, you’ll have introduced the belief necessary for them to take action.