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Bonjour and welcome to the MLM Trigger, I am your host Corine Arnaud and this PODCAST is to help you LEVERAGE Your Network Marketing Skills using the internet to grow your MLM downline.

We are going to dive into [How To Clearly Defined Your Outcome] and  how to clearly defined your message in the content of your script that can be used in all your marketing.

This script works successfully for all your marketing business. It’s the Perfect Presentation script that can be used in all selling situations online and offline. But first you need to be specific about the outcome of for your script content. Let your audience know your goal on what your outcome is about in advance. You also want to make sure that they can answer this one question: How do I accomplish this in my network marketing?

I learned this concept from a webinar by one of my mentor Jason Fladlien. The more narrow you define your audience, the easier it is to achieve your outcome. Example— you wouldn’t want to talk to someone who isn’t interested in MLM. 

After, you have identified your audience, the next step is to determine what feeling you want them to experience. You will identify the One Thing / your core offer, and tell your first your origin story that got you started on your new opportunity. The more specific you are, the more you will speak to their situation.

The last part of the outcome is the result they will get… Example: it’s about making more income by using a sales funnel to do the recruiting for you in your MLM business.

To clearly define the outcome you will need to focus on solving one specific problem with your one solution. And being able to create a product formula that give them instant gratification. The idea is to have a single point of belief that your message is built around your core offer and emphasized over and over again from different angles. 

The formula for clearly defined outcome would be like this:

Audience: What audience are you going to serve?

Feeling: What are they going to feel as they implement what you teach?

Result: What outcome would your audience consider a success?

The Big Domino—THAT is the key thing they need to believe. The Domino is basically the ONE thing your customers want. And if they get it, that will solve so many other problems. The whole presentation is created to knock down that one domino. You’re trying to get them to believe in your CORE product, the ONE THING they want.

You want to use the tools to focus on your core product from a variety of different angles. That is the key to the Perfect Presentation. When you understand this, you’re ready to build out your own presentation. 

There are a lot of moving pieces in this equation but the first thing is to define your new opportunity and what is the ONE thing that your audience want. They will buy it from you because they want to achieve the result their desire, just for that specific reason. Make sure you don’t leave anything out when you make your irresistible offer. You want to come up with a unique name that make it sound like a new way of looking at the world.

You are simply writing out EVERYTHING your customer needs to feel truly amazing, successful, accomplished and happy with your product that will help them embrace your new opportunity. Just write out the most perfect offer for your most perfect customer. 

Look at the pieces that seem like add-ons or extras because these might serve as bonuses. You can go through ALL the things in your offer and what are the things that you perceive it to be high value. What do you think your customer wants most and what piece is the most desirable?

Now, one of the keys you need to understand when you are offering bonuses is: You don’t offer more of the same thing. This is the biggest mistake most entrepreneurs make when it comes to bonuses. In the visitor’s mind, he has already got that, so offering more of the same rarely works.

You don’t offer a random product. The next worst thing to do is giving a random, unrelated product. Yet, if there is no logical connection between the core product and the bonuses, you will kill your future conversions.

Sample Structure 1: The Next Thing. If someone just purchased your offer on "How to Lose Weight" with cardio-related product, what is the next logical product they needs to buy from you to reach their goals? So, outside of cardio, what else will help them to accomplish their weight-loss goal? Is it a weight-training manual? Would they be interested in juicing? Those types of offers will convert well because it’s the next thing the new customer needs in order to accomplish their core goal.

Sample Structure 2: Do It Faster. If you have a way, a tool, a technique, or a software program that complement the initial offer and help the customer get results faster, then the “Do-It-Faster” is the right type of bonus. 

Next let’s break down the philosophy for each part of the Perfect Presentation slide by slide.

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