Bonjour and welcome to the MLM Trigger, I am your host Corine Arnaud and this PODCAST is to help you LEVERAGE Your Network Marketing Skills using the internet to grow your MLM downline.
We are going to dive into [Story Amplifies Values] and how those false beliefs are created.
Your presentation is to inspire people and cause them to actually take action to change their lives. Remember, you are focusing on identifying their false belief patterns, breaking them, and rebuilding them with the truth.
The greatest service you can provide for someone is getting them to buy something. They will take action when they commit to purchase and pull their wallet out. Overcoming your prospects false beliefs and objections is a crucial step towards making a sale.
Often when you try to sell your offer to people, their subconscious mind starts thinking about why it won’t work for them. At that point, they are building objections based on their false beliefs. Therefore, the most reasonable way for you to persuade your prospects that your offer is the best option for them— is to break their false beliefs.
Let’s see how we all create false beliefs about any event in our life. From our beliefs, especially the core foundation of our beliefs that we construct are the narrative about ourselves, about others and about the world. It all starts with a positive or negative experience. No matter what kind of experience we had, our mind quickly creates a story about it. Believing is the most mental thing we do… so our beliefs define the world for us and more importantly our beliefs tell us who we are.
Those beliefs form our personality. So, it’s important to understand that when you speak to people about your MLM offer. It’s hard to recruit somebody who doesn’t already have a pre-existing disposition towards the MLM industry.
Only then can you can help them get involve into your MLM opportunity. The reason why it’s such a big deal with marketing is because, all marketing is education. They have to take on some new beliefs. Marketing is merely educating people on a new way of thinking.
When you understand what kind of experience, stories, and beliefs your prospects created in their minds, you’ll be able to replace their false beliefs with new ones. When you are marketing your MLM opportunity, you’re basically going to educate people about it. The education is transfer by telling stories. Actually it’s the transfer of belief because you are teaching people how to think differently. It is very powerful because that kind of marketing works like magic.
What false beliefs can they have? They can think that if they join an MLM program, they could lose their friends. If you’re trying to recruit people, you need to understand what that person is believing, even if it’s false. Understand how to challenge, break and rebuild those belief patterns so you can change your marketing message.
What experience did they have? When you figured out their belief you need to think about what experience in their life caused it. For example, they could have already joined an MLM once and tried to sign up their friends but those got mad.
What is their story? What is the false story they have based on that experience? Example, the story can be: “People annoy their friends and family to create success in MLM” You need to know how to attract people to you, your MLM and your new opportunity. You need people to come to you because you aren’t begging them to join your opportunity.
When you figure out what caused their false beliefs, it’s time to break them.The best way to do that is to tell a story that shows how you once had a similar belief— but you now have a new belief pattern, and the old story turned out to be wrong. For example: I also thought that I’ll lose my friends if I join an MLM… but then I learned that I can actually generate leads online. Therefore, I could grow my team without bothering my friends and family.
Stories are a powerful tool to break the false beliefs and objections of your prospects. Once you learn how to identify people’s false beliefs and tell the stories that show them the truth, you don’t need to “sell” them anything. The stories lead people to the right belief, and then they sell themselves.
No matter what your expertise is in your industry, you must become a student of marketing if you want to beat your competition. AND not just a student, an COMMITTED student so you can easily attract the RIGHT people who are SUPER INTERESTED in what you are selling. They will raise their hands and ask you to sign them up.