Bonjour and welcome to the MLM Trigger, I am your host Corine Arnaud and this PODCAST is to help you LEVERAGE Your Network Marketing Skills using the internet to grow your MLM downline.
We are going to dive into [Collect Objections] and talk about the content section of the presentation by breaking and rebuilding the belief patterns.
Up to this point everything you have done has been designed to build rapport, encourage curiosity and introduce your new opportunity. Remember this is not a teaching presentation, this is a presentation to inspire people and cause them to actually take action to change their lives. The teaching is what you do AFTER they have purchased your opportunity. You are focusing on identifying their false belief patterns, breaking them, and rebuilding them with the truth.
The greatest service you can provide for someone is getting them to buy something. The act of buying creates a commitment that causes them to actually take action.
You need to learn how to structure your content in such a way that it teaches and inspires, but most importantly, causes people to take action. But you also need to understand that the type of teaching you are doing in your presentation is the foundation for change.This is actually teaching in its most pure form.
Even though you aren’t “teaching” them, you are breaking beliefs that had held them back for years and giving them new, empowering beliefs. But they need to come in with the right belief systems first. You always transition by telling them a quick story… Share your bridge story.
Next, you will tell your second bridge story, which will kill the #1 false belief they have about the new opportunity you are presenting. This story will help your audience better understand the new opportunity. Remember, the goal isn’t to teach them, but to tell the stories around it to give them the epiphanies that will create desire and belief. They have to figure it out themselves.
Your audience will immediately think, That’s great, but how this can apply to me? So you show some results that ordinary people have gotten from your opportunity. Show that it works for all kinds of people and you need to break any other core beliefs related to your opportunity.
I learned this from Jason Fladlien. After doing a webinar, he kept track of every objection he could think of during the whole thing. Then at the end, he spent about 90 minutes breaking every objection on the list. He’d say, “You’re probably thinking you need a lot of money to drive traffic, right? Well ________.”
He went on and on like that for about 50 false beliefs that he hadn’t even mentioned in the main webinar. At the end of the webinar, he sold three times more during this 90 minutes of answering all the objections. He just kept breaking false beliefs until there were no more objections that anyone could possibly think of. There was absolutely no resistance left.
These stories are usually told in 30–60 seconds. Just mention the false belief and give a quick story of one sentence about why that belief is wrong and what the truth is. The old belief pattern has been shattered, and you have installed a new one. That’s the most powerful thing you can do as an educator and an expert.
When you change your presentation to this style, you are giving them more than just strategies and tactics. You’re giving them a paradigm shift. You’re changing their world from I CAN’T to I CAN and I WILL. That’s the biggest gift you can give people—hope and belief in themselves. They have a new belief in the One Thing, and the whole world is open to them.
As you start to move from the content section to the stack and closes, use this technique to cement the new concepts into their minds and make a simple, non-stressful transition to the selling section of your presentation.
The first thing is to show them how they could actually get the results they desire most.
Tell them: So let me ask you a question. If you followed what I showed you and found a funnel that is already working, then you did what I showed you to build out a similar MLM funnel in just 10 minutes, and get traffic from the SAME place your competitors are getting it from, do you think you could be successful?
When you break it down like that, they can connect the dots and they have to say yes. If they’ve said yes to that question, that means all the internal beliefs have been knocked down, and the Big Domino has fallen.
Now it’s time to start the actual sales section of the webinar. You’ve broken false beliefs. It’s time to reveal what you have to offer. The best way to make that transition is to simply say: Let me ask you a question... How many of you are excited about what we just talked about?
Then ASK PERMISSION to share it with them. Is it okay with you if I spend 10 minutes going over a very special offer I created to help you implement __________? Then wait until they say yes or see their heads nodding. Once you get permission, all the awkward feelings about selling disappear.
This transition helps you recap everything you’ve said in the webinar up to that point, and once again sets those new belief patterns in place.
Next: Once you transition into your sales pitch, you’re going to use— the stack.