Bonjour and welcome to the MLM Trigger, I am your host Corine Arnaud and this PODCAST is to help you LEVERAGE Your Network Marketing Skills using the internet to grow your MLM downline.
We are going to dive into [Questions That Close Your Prospect] let’s talk about how to approach your prospect when selling an offer higher than $3,000.
The Perfect Webinar script you’ve just learned works really well for offers up to $3,000. But when you’re selling more expensive offers, you need to add another step. Instead of just sending people to an order form, send them to a page where they fill out an application. Then get on the phone and interview them to see if they’d be a good fit for the program.
It’s much easier to sell a $3,000+ MLM offer on the phone. That extra step helps people feel more comfortable paying the higher dollar amounts. Also with a higher-level offer, you are typically going to be working more closely with people. You can screen them to make sure you’ll enjoy working with them. If they aren’t a good fit, then don’t accept them into your team.
Here is the 4-phase script created by Dan Sullivan. There are four primary questions, and you will be asking follow-up questions to dig deeper and get more complete answers.
Before the prospect get on the phone with you, they fill out an application form so you can pre-qualify them. Then you contact them to set up a 30-minute call. Once you’re on the call, avoid small talk. You want to set yourself up as the one running the call right from the start.
So you’re going to ask four questions and depending on how they answer them, you will decide whether to move forward. You want your prospect to make a micro-commitment, a little yes right at the start. You’re also setting the ground rules so you can steer the conversation where you want it to go.
So you start asking the questions: Imagine you and I were to start working together today. I teach you everything I know and do everything I can to help you get results. Now imagine we’re sitting in a coffee shop a year from now. What would have happened in your life, both personally and professionally, for you to feel happy with your progress? What would make you believe that this was the best decision you ever made?
You’re trying to get them to describe their external and internal goals here. You want to hear their true desires. If they can’t answer this question, you don’t want to work with them because you’ll never be able to satisfy them.
Most likely, they’ll start by describing external desires. This is a great start, but you want to dig deeper and get to the internal desires as well. So ask follow-up questions based on their answers.
Question #1: Why do you want —repeat what they said ? Then they’ll start revealing the values and beliefs that are truly important to them. You need to know those inner reasons WHY they want what they want. So keep digging until they reveal those deep emotional connections. As we all want the similar things… Respect - Be Part of Something - Purpose. Train yourself to listen carefully for these cues. Then move on to the next question.
Question #2: Why don’t you have it yet? What has been holding you back? Here you’re looking for their obstacles and objections. If they don’t have what they want yet, there must be a reason. And you need to know whether you can help them with those obstacles or not. You want people who will take responsibility for their own actions. So listen for some version of “I don’t know how.” Next it’s time to get them thinking about possibilities.
Question #3: I want you to think about what resources, connections, talents, or skills you have access to that you’re not currently utilizing 100%, that we could use to help overcome your obstacles and achieve your goals. The point is to get them thinking about the possibilities. Encourage them to keep thinking. Keep asking, “What else? What else?” until they run out of ideas. Then review what they said before you transition to the final question.
Question #4: So I only have one more question. Do you want me to help you? Then stop talking. Most of the time, they will say yes. Then all you have to do is say: Great! Here’s how it works. My fee is $$$. For that money, you get __________. I’m here to help you. I can handle the credit card details right now. Would you like to do that? If they say yes, you’re done. Usually the only reason they won’t agree at this point is because they don’t have the money. If that’s the case, you can offer a payment plan.
If you’ve done a good job with the questions, and they can afford your fee, then you should close most of the people you talk to. And that’s how the 4-Question Close works.