Bonjour and welcome to the MLM Trigger, I am your host Corine Arnaud and this PODCAST is to help you LEVERAGE Your Network Marketing Skills using the internet to grow your MLM downline.
We are going to dive into [How to Keep Your Sales Funnel Filled at All Times] before filling up your sales funnel you need to be certain of WHO they are.
Have you ever try to sell your offer to anyone and everyone? By doing so you won’t be able to serve your customers or associates at the highest level. You are trying to reach everyone but really end up with no one.
The first question you have to ask yourself is “WHO is the person you want to work with as a partner or associate?” Also one other important part is “WHO are your loyal CUSTOMERS that will buy from you every month?”. Think about HOW do you want to put those people into your sales funnels?
Before you can answer these questions you need to think about the RESULTS you would want to give them. And you should have two separate WHO for your sales funnel. The first one would be leading with the business and the second one would be leading with the products.
Let’s focus first on your target market leading with the business. You will need to identify people who are aware of Network Marketing, willing and able to join a MLM opportunity. After you got a good idea of WHO you would preferably work with and what are the results that would change their lives. Then and only then you can move on.
Okay, let me walk you through the process with these four simple questions. These questions will become your framework and it will be the first step that you HAVE to take before you can grow your network marketing business with a sales funnel.
Question #1: Who are your Dream Associates?
Most of us never think about who we want to work with. But these are the associates you will be interacting with. You’ll probably spend more time with these people than your own friends. In our industry most new associates will quit the business in less than 90 days, plus they require constant handholding, babysitting and motivation. If you want success more for someone than they want it for themselves— then you are working with the wrong people.
If you’re thinking, this does not seem important… I promise you, that if you don’t consciously choose your dream customers, one day you will wake up and think that you don’t want to work anymore with people who exhaust you. And wishing that you could quit the business you created.
Question #2: Where can you find your Dream Associates?
Where do they hang out online? If you don’t know the who, it will be hard to find out where your perfect customer can be found. So make sure you know exactly who you’re trying to attract.
Question #3: What Bait Will You Use to Attract your Dream Associates?
What type of bait can you create to attract your dream associates and repel everyone else? Your bait could be a digital ebook, a video or an audio recording—anything that your dream associates would pay attention to and want. When you find out what your dream associates want, it becomes very easy to attract them.
Question #4: What Result Do You Want To Give your Dream Associates?
Once you’ve hooked your dream associates with the perfect bait, the last question is what RESULT do you want to give them? I’m not talking about what product or opportunity you want to sell them. A business is NOT about products and opportunity. A business is about what result you can get for your customers. If you structure this correctly, people will naturally ascend to where you want them to be and you’ll be able to serve them at a much higher level.
For me, I know that the best way I can serve my dream customers is to help build out their MLM sales funnels to auto-recruit their downline. That’s how I can have the deepest impact and serve them.
I know that answering these 4 questions seem simple, but it is the key to fill up your sales funnel. So take the time to really answer them.
Next: We are going to focus on the steps you need to follow to lead your dream customer to have a 100% product interest.