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Bonjour and welcome to the MLM Trigger, I am your host Corine Arnaud and this PODCAST is to help you LEVERAGE Your Network Marketing Skills using the internet to grow your MLM downline.

We are going to dive into [How To Attract And Keep Your Customer] and going to focus on WHO are your Retail Customers before filling up your second sales funnel.

Let me ask you: How can you drastically increase your MLM product sales?

And how can you make an offer out of your MLM product?

The answer is: To turn your product into an offer.

Let’s think for a minute about these old-school marketers and the way they used to make money WITHOUT the internet. When you realize what these old-school marketers had to do, you will start to see these patterns all over the place. Then you can see how these mainstream products actually got into the marketplace.

Let me tell you a little story about a man called Albert Lasker who was known as the Father of Modern Advertising. In the early 1900s California citrus industry was facing a problem of an oversupply of fruit. It was producing five times more the quantity of oranges than fifteen years earlier. And orange production was continuing to grow as newly planted orange groves began to produce more fruit.

So they hired Lasker and his team to help them sell more oranges. The marketers started thinking about HOW they could increase orange consumption considerably. They came up with an idea… Instead of eating oranges… What if people drink the juice from the orange? No one was drinking orange juice before. That was a foreign concept that they invented. 

They found out that it would take two to three oranges to fill up a glass with orange juice.That’s how orange juice was discover. Lasker got his team together and they made this fantastic campaign called “Drink an Orange.” It was Lasker’s orange offer. While they wanted to sell the oranges… That’s NOT what they sold. They created what they called the ORANGE EXTRACTOR. 

The offer that they created was “Buy the orange extractor and get a bag of oranges for FREE.” They took the core product of the offer and they made it FREE! 

Lasker helped save Sunkist. He’s the reason why Sunkist exists and why we drink orange juice today. 

THIS concept is what’s going to help you in turning your MLM product into an offer. You want to start thinking about what problems your customer has that you could solve with another product. So one of the easiest ways to sell MORE products is by turning your product into an offer and giving away something else FREE with the sale of your product.

We have to be aware about our MLM compliances. They don’t like that we sell our product directly online. So think, “How can you increase the value of the MLM product that you sell?”. You do this by solving a problem for your customers. That’s it! Just turn your product into an offer.

Start thinking about the problems that your product creates for your retail buyers. And you can use this concept, doesn’t matter what you sell, your MLM product is irrelevant.

Let me walk you through the process with these four simple questions that will become your framework to fill up your sales funnel.

Question #1: Who are your Dream Retail Customers?

Your product CREATES problems for your retail customers after they buy. By understanding your customer problem and creating a solution to this problem, you will start to understand them at a much deeper level. You literally created more value than the next person selling the exact same thing. Remember, your customers are the PRODUCT of your MLM PRODUCT.

 Question #2: Where can you find your Dream Retail Customers? 

When you understand the art and science of getting traffic (or people) to find you, where they are meeting online. Then you will be able to enter the conversation that is already taking place inside of their mind and see the world the way that they see it. 

Question #3: What bait will you use to attract your Dream Retail Customers 

As soon as you know exactly who your dream customers are and discover where they’re hanging out. Then start throwing out hooks that will grab their attention to pull them into your funnels where you can serve them… this is the best strategy. 

Question #4: What result do you want to give your Dream Retail Customers? 

Once you’ve hooked your dream customers with the perfect bait, and give them the RESULT they want. Then, you get compensate in direct proportion to the types of problems that you solve. The exact same thing is true when it comes to turning your MLM product into an offer. Even if the product is not yours, you can still give away things that will help solve problems and help people have more success with your product. Think about how big your team and income would be if EVERY associate on your team had ten plus repeat customers. It would explode!

You can use this same strategy for someone who join your downline as well.

Next: We are going to about how to ascend your customer to the next phase of the sales funnel.

Listen ⇨ How To Attract And Keep Your Customer