Bonjour and welcome to the MLM Trigger, I am your host Corine Arnaud and this PODCAST is to help you LEVERAGE Your Network Marketing Skills using the internet to grow your MLM downline.
We are going to dive into [How To Design Your Own MLM Product Offer] and see what are the strategies to make your offer irresistible.
How do you create an offer and be different among all the people in your MLM company?
The answer is to become unique because all those people have the exact same products than you. They have the same scripts, the same website and marketing package. There’s no difference between choosing you over the other tens of thousands of people also selling the exact same product.
You need to create a unique offer out of your MLM product and make it: More unique - More valuable - Solve more problems than anybody else in your company. This is how you can out-value everybody else when you’re selling the product itself. That is the real SECRET. And it all comes down to the way you’re packaging it together by transforming it from a product into an offer.
Don’t get obsess over your product because your customers want it for the benefit it gives them. That’s what a vehicle is. It’s called a vehicle because it delivers what the customer really wants. They don’t necessarily care about the product but about the result that it gives them.
Even if your product is really good, it’s not about the product BUT the outcome.
What happens when you show them the product?
There are some objections that happened immediately.
When you show someone your product… there’s this automatic reaction.
The first objection is about the PRODUCT or the vehicle itself. That’s the first objection that people normally have when you show them your product or offer.
Vehicle (V) –- about the product — and the objection is: Is it any good?
2. The next objection is an INTERNAL belief. They’re going to ask themselves that they don’t think this product will work for them, which is an internal false belief.
Internal (I) –- about their ability — and the objection is: I don’t think it will work for me
3. The third objection is going to be EXTERNAL belief. Their next objection is based on external factors. People blame the cost of the product like it’s cost too much money.
External (E) –- about their resources — and the objection is: The price is too high
If you can understand and address what objections your customers have, by use stories that create new beliefs patterns. Then ALL your offer creation and funnel building gets really easy. You will have success in MLM faster than anyone else will ever have.
THIS is marketing. It DOESN’T MATTER what you sell. It’s not about the product. It’s about the sales message. It’s about the relationship. Actually you’re selling relationships through your MLM product.
FINDING YOUR BLUE OCEAN — What is the meaning in marketing called The BLUE OCEAN?
Blue Ocean Strategy is a marketing theory in which a business enters a market that has little or no competition. The strategy focuses on moving away from an existing market with a lot of competition like in our MLM industry, like the Red Ocean and create a new market the Blue Ocean. This is a really powerful concept to understand is that Blue Ocean markets come out of Red Ocean markets.
Create a new opportunity inside your MLM opportunity and sell it directly back to the other existing Red Ocean market with CURRENT BUYERS.
This is what happens when you get real clear on WHO your customers are. You need to think through the biggest objection that people have when you show them your product in your Blue Ocean market.
The next thing you’re going to do is to create PROMISES.
Keep thinking of higher vehicle based PROMISE, higher internal based PROMISE and higher external based PROMISE.
You address their big fear and the false belief. You promise to get around it without them having to go through the pain they’ve been experiencing. The FORMULA is:
“I’m going to show you how to BIG PROMISE without HUGE PAIN”
Then start creating the product in form of bonuses around your MLM product. This is your offer which tie directly back to the false beliefs about the Vehicle/product objection – Internal objection— External objection.
You’ve got three bonuses for FREE right there and they get all of products for a great price.
Most of these are info products. You only have to make those ONCE. There’s always something else you can offer. You might only be selling ALL OF THIS for the price of your MLM product… But you’re delivering more.
Master this and use this same model to design your own MLM product offer that compliment your MLM business.
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Next: We are going to about Value Ladder of an effective sales funnel.