Bonjour and welcome to the MLM Trigger, I am your host Corine Arnaud and this PODCAST is to help you LEVERAGE Your Network Marketing Skills using the internet to grow your MLM downline.
We are going to dive into [The Formula To Attract Your Prospects] and let’s talk about the formula to add value to your sales funnel in order to attract your prospects.
Once you get clear that entrepreneurs are in the business of solving problems, the rest is about learning a sample set of formulas and you DO NOT have to be a professional to get results.
Let me ask you a question: What do you look for when you have decided what to sell?
It could be your MLM products/services or your opportunity. There is a pattern back up by formulas that cause success at each part of the value ladder.
A quick reminder of what is a value ladder is? (Value Ladder or sales ladder) is a tactic businesses can use to map out ways to provide increased value to their customers at different price points. It’s a tool that helps us bring our customers to the right offer.
When you can see the whole formula… You will know what hooks to use to attract your prospects. The offer is part of the sales message and you are in THE BUSINESS OF SOLVING PROBLEMS. This is a critical step in the sales cycle that ultimately helps build business revenue.
You can start looking at that process as being one of the most important goal because here is a difference between marketing and sales.
Marketing changes people’s beliefs so that they can buy something… that’s what a sales message does. The act of selling is just presenting an offer and overcoming objections. Because objection handling means responding to the prospect in a way that changes their perspective and helps ease their concerns. Many times, objections come from a place of buyer insecurity.
So making sure that you work on your sales message and your sales process before you build your: Product or anything that you want to build.
If you’re trying to come up with an offer for the first time, you’ve got to put on the entrepreneur hat with the intent to solve problems.
So if you think about the way a customer is experiencing your product… when somebody buys your main product, there is a bunch of problems that you now have to solve that was NOT there ahead of time.
There are follow-up problems that somebody has after they buy your MLM product that they did not have until they bought it. Meaning your product is an opportunity with a bunch of problems that you have to solve that show up after someone makes the purchase.
You have to realize that every product you sell is a gift both to the buyer and to you.
For example: When you sell weight loss product (or something else), there’s a bunch of follow-up problems… What kind of issues would somebody have?
Maybe they want to know how much they need to take
They want to know how fast it will work on them
What about if they have other health issue
So you could go interview someone who is an expert in the subject that is in your up-line… This is the easiest way to create an offer ever.
You ask: “What are the follow-up problems that my product creates for somebody after they buy it?”
Then you see what the majority of those problems are, you create a product to solve them and give it away for free with the original MLM product purchase.
You see it is really easy to create an offer that will help the buyer. And they don’t have to pay for it because you give it to them free when they purchase your main product. This can be applied to any kind of MLM company regardless of what you sell.
In our industry we got a bunch of other people who are selling something similar to us.
The idea is not to drop the price but add more value… because price and value are not the same thing. The most important distinction between price and value is the fact that price is arbitrary and value is fundamental. Customers want value. They want to feel confident in their purchase and know that they have bought something that was worth their money.
People need to get out of the mindset of selling products. You need to understand that great marketers don't try to sell products. Instead, they seek to understand their customers' needs and fulfill them. When you focus on THEM (your customer's fears, doubts, questions…) you're never selling… you're serving them well. You are selling the sales messages… The role of the sales message is to cause the desire for purchase. The product just fulfills on the promise that your sales message made. That’s all the product does.
Of course your product should be amazing, but you really don’t need to sell a product.
What causes the purchase is the sales message itself. In a very competitive market, it’s important to craft your sales message for those people alone in your target market.
Next: We going to talk about FINDING THE WHO and understand MORE about who these people are… the primary task before you can create your sales message.