Bonjour and welcome to the MLM Trigger, I am your host Corine Arnaud and this PODCAST is to help you LEVERAGE Your Network Marketing Skills using the internet to grow your MLM downline.
We are going to dive into [How To Turn Your Fears Into Your Best Ally] and we'll talk about how our mind is the most tortuous place to live in the world or the safest place.
Have you ever had the experience of having your life turn up-side-down overnight? You lose everything all at once from one day to the next... your husband left you or passed away. If you have, you are are not alone. Our topic today is about how I had a turnaround from years of struggling with paralyzed fear to the day I conquer my fears to not run me down anymore.
I want to share with you what allowed me to go from wanting more to eventually being able to earn enough to take care of myself. It definitely hasn’t always been this way. I can’t tell you how incredibly frustrating it was the first couple years, feeling like I was banging my head against a wall over, and over, and wondering what was wrong with me. Because I had loads of self-doubt and was always beating myself up. Can you relate to this? I didn’t have the confidence to do the things that I knew I needed to do. I would sit and bury myself in self pity “ why this happened to me” because it was easier to numb out than to actually do the thing that I was afraid of.
Until one day I had enough. Maybe you’re like me. Every day that would go by I would beat myself up a little bit more. I had to decide enough is enough. My question to you is when is enough going to be enough?
Thank goodness for loads of personal development because eventually, I was able to start doing the things that I was afraid of, like connecting with peopled taking care of myself. It wasn’t an overnight process. Everyone always asks me, “What was the one thing that help you to get out of fear?” It was Multi-Level Marketing - MLM that got me to move and working really hard of myself. I was learning as much as I could learn about MLM. I was just seeking out the information outside my network marketing business. I knew if I wanted to change my circumstances, I had to change myself first. The contrast was incredible. I did a lot of mastermind classes and studies self empowering courses. I worked on myself really hard.
This is when I learned that we are hard wired by the time we are very young on our belief system. Our unconscious which control 95% of everything we think, do, act, behave and ultimately become these beliefs like. “I am not good with money so my husband will take care of me”. So from these beliefs they turn into excuses which lead to actions and end up disastrous results. The only way for you to get out of this mess, is to change your beliefs. That is where it starts. There is not really a shortcut. The only way to change your beliefs is not through information, because the brain has to enter a process of transformation.
You need to start changing the inside “spiritual path” of changing our inside. Then you will notice the outside world to look very different and act very different because our internal vibratory frequency starts attracting things to us that are very different. Don’t forget your beliefs are controlling you, like when someone say: "Money is the root of all evil" Where these beliefs come from? from your parents - teachers - society - Are they your beliefs?
Let’s do this simple exercise and answer them to yourself: Write down your beliefs Who come up with those beliefs? Write down whether or not your life would be different without those beliefs.
When you become more aware from the inside now you have to look outside of yourself for a mentor, to give you the tools. A mentor is someone that can increase your personal thriving and can enter a process of transformation. You don’t need to know personally someone in order for that person to be your mentor. A mentor can mentor you from tools, online, books, messages. You follow this person who become your virtual mentor.
It is really important to understand that whatever the subject is about like money or finance... but really what it is about is YOU yes YOU and you have got to get into you. It is the inner that will affect the outer — but everything focuses on the external as something outside of you is going to make that change, but the only change that really matter, that real true change is only going to happen within.
We are afraid “WOMEN” a lot of times are afraid to upset our husband. What happens when you don’t do the thing that you’re afraid of? We place ourselves in subservient not equal position to our husbands. We give up our power and the minute we give our power, we are in trouble... something that we really have created it at the first place.
Get leverage on yourself. You’ve got to figure out how to get leverage on yourself. Let me ask you this. How many people’s lives are the exact same today because you refused to step up and do the thing that you know you need to do? When you stay in helplessness, holding onto your fears, refusing to step out of your comfort zone, allowing your fears to be more important than other people’s lives, guess what? You make no impact. You have to step out of your comfort zone and do the things that you are afraid of, to make this possible.
I’m calling you out now to step out of your fears and confront them head-on and because of it you'll be able to make an impact in peoples lives. Life is too short not to make an impact and overcome your fears. I hope this message impacted you.
Thank you so very much for tuning in. Next week's episode is all about the game changer key questions.