Bonjour and welcome to the MLM Trigger, I am your host Corine Arnaud and this PODCAST is to help you LEVERAGE Your Network Marketing Skills using the internet to grow your MLM downline.
We are going to dive into [Amazing Little Closes] and we’re going into the types of closes for your presentation. [Part-1]
There are two types of CLOSES that you can use in your presentation. The first type, “TRIAL CLOSES”, which can be use all the time and as much as possible.
The others types can be use throughout the stack. You’ll want to use both kinds in your presentation as well. Let’s take a look at each of them and how they work.
I read this story from one of the book of Russell Brunson, and he talked about this very successful real estate speaker. He was famous for being so good at selling from the stage that he would have hundreds of people line up behind him, waving their credit cards in the air and walk with him to the back of the room to buy his program. His name is Ted Thomas…
A few years later, Russell was speaking at an event and noticed that Ted was in the audience. He was so nervous. One of the best closers in the world was about to watch him try to close this room. He did his best to delivered a pretty good presentation. While he did get a lot of signups, he didn’t get a huge table rush.
After his presentation, Ted introduced himself and invited him to lunch. As they ate, Ted started asking him casual questions. After a few minutes, he started to grin. Russell asked him why he was smiling.
Ted laughed and said, “What is your head doing right now?”
He realized that— he was nodding his head up and down—and had been since the moment they started talking.
Ted said, “What I’ve been doing is a little technique call— TRIAL CLOSES.”
I’ve been asking you dozens of little yes-or-no questions where the only answer is yes. You instantly started nodding, and you didn’t stop until I pointed it out just now.” He, then went on to explain that the reason Russell didn’t get a table rush was because the first time he asked the audience to say yes was when he was asking for their money.
Then Ted said “When you watch me speak, you’ll notice that all the heads in the audience are nodding the entire time. I am constantly asking simple questions to get people to say yes over and over again, so when I ask them to give me money at the end, they’ve already told me yes hundreds of times before that.”
Russell decided to test it out. At the time, he had an automated webinar presentation that had been running profitably for six months. He listened to the recording and found a few dozen places where he could add in TRIAL CLOSES. So he recorded just the TRIAL CLOSES and inserted them into the audio file.
He didn’t expect much, but what happened was amazing! That webinar went almost double in profit— just by me adding in the TRIAL CLOSES. From that day forward, he was sold. He worked through his various presentations and used that trial closes on every one of his presentation.
Here are some examples of TRIAL CLOSES to use in your MLM presentations.
• Are you ready to get started?
• Are you all getting this?
• Is this making sense?
• Can you imagine if that happened to you?
• Who wants a free –––––––––?
• Would you like to be our next case study?
• You have heard them talk about this before, right?
• Isn’t that exciting?
• Can you see yourself doing –––––––––?
• I’m sure you’ve noticed this too, right?
You can go on and on, by inserting these little statements when you speak and doing it hundred of time in your presentation. Get used to using lots of little statements that get your audience to think or say yes over and over again. The more you can get them to say yes, the more likely they will accept the epiphanies you’ve shared with them and your MLM offer that you presented to them. TRIAL CLOSES are a huge part of telling effective stories.
Thank you so very much for tuning in. Next week's episode we're going to talk about the others types of CLOSES that you can use throughout the stack at the end of the presentation. [Part-2]